Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

the watcher

March 15, 2010

Excellent programme on radio 4 today

March 12, 2010

Did Boudica exist? Was she a British resistance leader against the Roman invaders? Interesting discussion on the female Brits -whether named Boudica or not – who were able to rule their tribes and lead them in battle, at a time when Rome throught this totally shocking. Suffering from an oppressive Roman Governor and very high taxation going to Rome, the Iceni under Boudica were already rebellious when a stupid official had Boudica flogged and her two daughters (aged around 11 and 13) raped and abused. At the head of her tribe, Boudicca rampaged across the south and east of Britain. burning Colchester, London, and Verulamium.

I know about the last one, because I worked on a dig there and remember very well the bright red ‘burnt earth’.

Both sides then committed various atrocities; Rome lined up some 10,000
troops against a force some ten times bigger, and won the day.

Hello world!

March 11, 2010

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